Updated: from 1/3/16
Pool parties. Backyard BBQ's. Family gatherings. Neighborhood fireworks. Ads for deep holiday discounts. And, talk of PTO, summer vacations, and celebrations everywhere you turn.
A time to kick back, indulge, and enjoy true summertime holiday traditions.
Perhaps. BUT, it might not feel so celebratory if you are in the midst of a job search.
For job seekers, this time of year year may also feel unsettling: slower/rescheduled interview processes, fewer job postings, jobs on hold, mass layoffs, and reassessed mid-year hiring needs or budgets. While it may not feel like the best time to land a new job – this is actually a natural and ideal time to “up” your job searching and networking efforts!
Here’s how to make it work for you:
Invited? Say Yes!: We've made it back to a summer holiday season that is full of parties, celebrations and in-person time. Sometimes job seekers shy away from these events, feeling unsure or embarrassed about their current situations. I challenge you to do the opposite! Say YES to every invitation. There is no better excuse to get out there (from behind your computer screen) and connect, reconnect and meet new people in a positive, informal and fun setting! Before you head out, practice a few ways to organically and positively answer the “What’s new?”, “What do you do?” and “What are you looking for?” questions so you don’t feel defensive or put on the spot. But, as it comes up, don’t be afraid to let people know that you are looking, and what you’re looking for. Not only will some offer to help…you never know who you might meet that could lead you to your next opportunity!
Lend-A-Hand: Especially around holidays, there are oodles of ways to give back to your community. But, how does volunteering actually help your job search, you ask? In 2013, the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) released its “Volunteering as a Pathway to Employment” report. It found that “Volunteers have a 27% higher likelihood of finding a job after being out of work, than non-volunteers.” What are you waiting for?
Make A Date: In the spirit of reconnecting, catching up, and being in-person, are there people in your network that you’d like to meet for coffee or a drink? Maybe those who you haven't seen since the Pre-Pandemic Era or haven’t had time to meet in the past? While summer can be super busy with travel and time-off, some people actually have a little extra time on their hands – especially if this is a slow time at the office. Reach out and see if you can get a date on the calendar for some face-time. You might find that your contacts are more open to meeting and helping during this time of year.
The Big Family Dinner: This is the one you might be dreading the most. But, maybe this is a good time to come in with a new approach. Although your family might be dysfunctional (and you are already planning your early exit strategy), they probably love you and want to help you be successful at the same time. Your 99 year-old grandma might not have the best advice on this topic, but what about that cousin you haven’t seen since last Thanksgiving? A nice chat over good food and a little wine might turn into your best gift of the year!
Frankly Speaking: This time of year is all about being with friends and family, and reconnecting with those you haven’t seen in a while. Just because your job search may feel uncertain or be weighing you down– you don’t have to let it! Keep your head up. Stay ahead of the game. There is plenty of opportunity to keep your search alive and going strong.
Lisa Frank is the CEO of LBF Strategies, a PR recruitment & career coaching firm. As a recruiter, connector and coach she offers a relatable and “Frank” approach to all aspects of life. Through her blog, Frankly Speaking, Lisa shares her insights, guidance and outrageous (but true) stories about career and life topics with plenty of humor, humanness and candor. Follow Lisa on LinkedIn or visit www.LBFStrategies.com.